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Meet Rosie Reconsidered and Learn What It’s Like to Wear Dresses For a Whole Month

Meet Rosie Reconsidered and Learn What It’s Like to Wear Dresses For a Whole Month

Could you wear dresses everyday for 30 days? This is exactly what Rosie Reconsidered did, even during the hottest days on record in the UK. 

Rosie set up her Instagram account back in October 2021 to share her love of second hand clothes.

Read on to learn more about what inspired Rosie to wear dresses for 30 days...

What inspired you to take on the challenge of wearing dresses for 30 days

"I struggle with body confidence and I have got into a bit of a rut of wearing the same old things most days – leggings and baggy t-shirts. I also work from home and it’s easy to throw on comfies and not really give clothes much thought.

"However, I do love secondhand and vintage clothes and I have a rail of beautiful dresses that have been sat there looking at me. I thought it might be fun to try wearing a dress every day for 30 days. I thought it might help my confidence and also bring me some joy, even if I don’t leave the house every day, it might bring me a burst of colour or feel fancy and just be joyful. So the main reason I’m doing it is to bring myself some joy."

How has it been dealing with the ridiculously hot weather recently?

"It’s not been too bad actually. I think if the heatwave had been any longer then it would have been difficult, but over those two days, I wore really summery dresses and luckily for me I was at home so I was able to stay cool and out of the sun."

What do you love most about shopping secondhand

"There are so many things that I love about shopping secondhand; it’s often cheaper for a start or if it’s vintage and a bit pricier you might be paying for something really unique and special. If you shop secondhand you’re also less likely to pass someone in the street wearing the same thing as you, but if you are keen on something that’s been trending, you can usually find it secondhand  pretty quickly – especially online. I think it makes the whole shopping experience more special. There’s also so much more than clothes, I love secondhand books and sometimes you can find the most gorgeous pieces for your home."

Do you have any favourite dresses from this challenge?

"I recently bought a bright pink dress from Depop and I wore it out for the first time last week and I love it. I am generally drawn to blues so this was different for me, but it brought me a lot of joy. I also really like a blue patterned maxi dress. I bought it last summer but then didn’t really think much of it and it’s been sat there for a while. I put it on and saw it in a different light and I really like it now. It’s been so lovely to rediscover what I already have."

Any advice for people who either want to take on 30 days of dresses, or just want to shop more secondhand clothes?

"I’d say go for it – do it for joy and enjoy shopping in your own wardrobe.

"In terms of shopping secondhand, there are so many options – charity shops, ebay, Depop, Instagram sellers and so much more. Go with an open mind, try things on if you can and don’t just buy it for the sake of it, buy it because you love it and will wear it again and again."


We are really grateful to share this feature today with you, many thanks to Rosie for taking part!

You can follow Rosie Reconsidered on Instagram!

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