LOOK GOOD, FEEL GOOD, DO GOOD Part 7: Body Acceptance
An inspiring series on developing a style that expresses who you are, an enjoyable relationship with your clothes, and the rewarding satisfaction of making sustainable fashion choices.
By Helen Redfern, founder and creative director of Green Heart Collective and manager of the Green Heart shop on Gateshead High Street. Helen combines her passion for clothes with a passion for the health of this wonderful world in which we live. Speaking from her personal experience of exploring her own style, Helen aims to inspire others to develop the confidence to express their identity and values through what they wear in a fun and affirming way.
Before I start, I want to tell you about a chance encounter this morning at the hospital. As I left the car park, a very dapper Indian gentleman in a grey tailored suit with a bright red handkerchief square in his pocket approached me and said ‘I appreciate your style…from your hair to the colours and the whole look’ - well, something like that. (If he’d said something negative, I’d have remembered it word for word but because it was positive and I was slightly embarrassed, I can’t remember exactly.) He went on to say ‘May God bless you and grant you a long life’. It gave me a real boost and I entered the hospital smiling.
Note to self: if you see someone looking great, always tell them!
Part 7: Body Acceptance
This is going to be a tough one: the relationship between the body and clothes. I was raised with a screwed up view of weight, size and shape. My mum was constantly on a diet, my older sister struggled with anorexia and I believed I was fat. And therefore unattractive. Looking back, I think I did love clothes back then, but never had the confidence to wear the styles I was attracted to because I felt people like me couldn’t wear those kinds of outfits. And to be fair, I never saw women in the ads looking anything like me. Body positivity was not a thing anyone talked about then. The world has come a long way.
As for me, I still don’t love what my body looks like. I dip in the sea with friends on a Sunday morning and there’s not one of the photos of me in a swimsuit on social media that I feel happy with - with regards to the body beautiful, that is. I feel happy with the vibe and joy and positive energy. I love my body for what it can do, for the adventures it has taken me on, for its resilience and strength and energy. But if I look at my naked body in the mirror, I don’t like what I see. Who does? Are any bodies that beautiful without clothes on? However, I have arrived at some level of body acceptance. This is the body I have and how I choose to clothe it makes a difference to how confident I feel.
I don’t believe in hard and fast rules about the right clothes for your body shape. There’s no formula for hiding the bad bits and showcasing the good bits. There is however a magic mix of colour, texture, fabric, styling, fit, pattern that defies definition. So pick out what you’re drawn to, try it on, be kind to yourself (when an item doesn’t fit properly, how often do we blame our body rather than the item itself?) and if you feel great in it, go for it! Celebrate the body you have by taking the time to seek out the ‘right’ clothing for you. There is something out there for everyone. Because of our connection here at Green Heart with a local distribution centre, we stock a wide range of beautiful Evans, City Chic and Avenue clothes for larger bodies. I love that. No one should walk into a shop, including a charity or second hand shop, and not be able to find clothes in their size.
Having said that, here are some lessons I’ve learned over the years that may resonate with you:
Action Point
- Accept the body you’re in. The body you’re in in the here and now. You may be actively working to change your weight or body shape but even then, you have to work with what you’ve got in the present. There is a release and freedom and joy that comes with acceptance of what is. It is what it is. No amount of beating yourself up or negative self talk or self loathing can change that. Change your self talk. Body positivity may feel like a step too far, but work on accepting your body for what it is (and even finding ways to celebrate what your body does for you). Be kind to your body for a change, whatever that means for you.
- Set aside an afternoon for a shopping trip (preferably in second hand shops). Allow enough time to explore and experiment. Take a friend you trust - anyone who loves clothes would consider it a privilege to accompany you. Come to Green Heart - I would love to dress you! And don’t lose heart - there are beautiful clothes out there for the body you’re in. Changing rooms might be your worst nightmare but do try things on. I’ve had some ‘laugh until I cry’ moments in changing rooms with friends but also found some amazing treasures. Only buy items that make you feel and look great. Don’t settle for less.
Previously in our Look Good Feel Good Do Good Series