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LOOK GOOD, FEEL GOOD, DO GOOD Part 5: Let's talk colour

LOOK GOOD, FEEL GOOD, DO GOOD Part 5: Let's talk colour

An inspiring series on developing a style that expresses who you are, an enjoyable relationship with your clothes, and the rewarding satisfaction of making sustainable fashion choices. 

By Helen Redfern, founder and creative director of Green Heart Collective and manager of the Green Heart shop on Gateshead High Street. Helen combines her passion for clothes with a passion for the health of this wonderful world in which we live. Speaking from her personal experience of exploring her own style, Helen aims to inspire others to develop the confidence to express their identity and values through what they wear in a fun and affirming way.

Part 5: Let's talk colour

Colour matters. Imagine how dull the world would be in black and white with shades of grey. The natural world is bursting with colour that lifts the spirits and stimulates the senses. It’s how the world should be. It’s how the world was created. 

And yet many people seem to be scared of colour. Scared of experimenting. Scared of standing out. And so they stick to neutral colours such as black, navy, grey and beige. They feel safer, less conspicuous. If you want to blend into the background, choose black. And black always goes with black so putting an outfit together takes no thought or imagination. Black is sold to us as the perfect choice: slimming, sophisticated, the ultimate in style. Maybe. Maybe not. But certainly not all the time.

Because not all colours are equal. Different colours elicit different responses and reactions. Colours affect our mood in different ways. And different colours work for different people. Our personal associations with different colours vary and our preferences are affected by our cultural background and language, and our age. And the colours other people wear affect our perception of them. 


But did you know that wearing red can make you feel more assertive? Did you know that orange is a mood-booster and yellow brings positive vibes? Try wearing pink to connect to your feminine side. Wear green to tap into your creativity. Blue is calming and relaxing - just think sea and sky. Avoid grey. Brown will make you feel grounded. Black will make you feel powerful. And then white: think purity and simplicity. What have I missed? Purple. Perfect for meditation and mindfulness.

How are you responding to this? With scepticism or is it more ‘Oh, that makes total sense.’? You may not believe it or feel it’s true for you but there’s a whole science behind the effect that different colours have on our nervous system and emotions. I read about it first in Chapter 3 of ‘Big Dress Energy’ by fashion  psychologist Shakaila Forbes-Bell. I recommend this book wholeheartedly to anyone wanting to delve deeper into the science and psychology behind colour, and fashion in general.

Having said that, I want to shout from the rooftops that you can ignore all the rules. You can wear whatever you want even if it breaks all the rules. We don’t have to be all matchy-matchy. We can wear blue and green together if we want to. We can ignore the ‘Colour Me Beautiful’ colour palette for our complexion if we want to. You don’t need anyone else dictating to you what colours you should wear. If you’re drawn to it and it brings you joy and you feel amazing in it, go for it!

Even though people close to me would say that purple is my favourite colour, I rarely wear it. I can’t explain why. For years, I’ve made a rule for myself that I don’t wear black in summer - again, nothing rational about it. It’s just me. I was surprised myself at how little pink I have in my wardrobe - a lot more orange and yellow for sure. This summer, it’s all about the green. Again, not sure why, I just feel drawn to it. It just feels full of life and hope. And yes, I regularly wear blue and green together! I don’t really ever analyse why I wear the colours I wear. I’m not afraid of colour, that’s for sure. I couldn’t say what colours suit me and which ones I ‘should’ avoid. I’m led by my heart and intuition. And I don’t care what anyone else might think. Life is too short to be constrained by that. 

I can’t give you a step by step guide to which colours you should wear and why. That’s not why I’m here. I’m here to point out that the colours you wear will affect your confidence, mood and behaviour, and how you’re perceived by others. Let your clothes do the work in boosting you up and speaking for you!

Action Point

Make a list of colours - Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple Grey Black White Brown/Beige - and take ten minutes to count all the items in your wardrobe for each colour. Reflect on the list: does anything surprise you? What colours are you naturally drawn to and why?

Allow time and space to browse in a charity shop. Avoid all the neutral colours. Which colours are you then drawn to? Of course, the colour you like may not then be the right size or style for you, but if it is, go ahead and buy it!

Then have the courage to wear it. Take note of all the positive comments you receive - trust me, you will.

Read More: Look Good Feel Good Do Good

Part 1: I am What I Wear

Part 2: Who do I Dress for?

Part 3: What I Wear Matters

Part 4: Manipulated by the fashion industry?

Photo Credits


Purple Bouquet On A Bride's Hand.

Selective Focus Photography of Man Playing American Football

Women's Yellow Long-sleeved Dress

Helen in Green with friend and Green Heart supporter. Shot by Sarah Winslett.

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