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Resale Therapy: Why Shopping Preloved Clothing Is Better for Your Wellbeing

Resale Therapy: Why Shopping Preloved Clothing Is Better for Your Wellbeing

Shopping second hand is great for people and planet, but it is also a much healthier way to curb your shopping habits.

Resale therapy is a witty pun on retail therapy, the act of making yourself feel better by buying something new.

Instead, by limiting your purchases to second hand shops, charity shops and a bit of online browsing, you're reaping some serious resale therapy benefits. 

Resale Therapy: Why Shopping Second Hand Fashion Feels Better

Retail Therapy, But Healthier 

The average Brit spends £70 a month on new clothes, according to Oxfam's study. But the thrill of buying brand new fashion wears off after just FOUR wears.

You can still get the buzz of buying something, whether it is brand new or preloved. 

A quarter of the 2,000 people that Oxfam surveyed said that the thrill of buying preloved clothes actually lasts longer rather than buying brand new.

Ideally, buying second hand fashion or books should be about buying what you need to reduce waste.

But, in the meantime, if you still get a kick from adding something to your cart, it is much better to buy something preloved. 

Read More: Ten Great Reasons to Buy Preloved. 

So why is it better for your wellbeing to shop preloved?

Spend Less, Stress Less

You can find some amazing bargains in charity shops, second hand stores and online. So rather than burdening yourself with big expensive purchases for brand new fashion, the small thrifty finds can be a pleasant boost to your day. 

Be More Creative

Part of the fun of buying new clothes is imagining how they'll fit into your wardrobe. You can be be extra creative when it comes to preloved fashion because there is much more to choose from, so you can embrace your own style and spend less time worrying about the latest trends.

Do Your Bit

A good thing to keep in mind is the impact you make by rehoming a second hand garment. It might seem like a token gesture, but if everyone did the same, we'd not have a truck full of clothes heading to landfill every second! At least you're not contributing to it.

Out of Love? Move it on

Wrong size? Don't like the top you bought off Vinted last year? Not a problem - just make sure it goes to a new home. Often you can simply resell it and make back what you paid for it. Or you could donate it to your local charity shop. Failing that, try using for an easy way to deal with your unwanted clothing, no stress. 

Move Away from Consumerism

Like we said, the ideal end goal of shopping preloved is to realise that you don't need to be swayed by the latest fast fashion items. You start to realise your wardrobe is a lot neater when it isn't crammed full of clothes you don't wear. At the same time you get a greater sense of appreciation for what you already own. And that's a great excuse to mix and match your outfits and come up with new ones.

Read More: How 33 Items of Clothing Can Make 25,176 Outfits

Feel Good Fashion

Not only can be you become a part-time eco-warrior, but by supporting second hand shops and businesses, you're also helping people earn a living. Whether it's your local charity shop, social enterprise, CIC or B-Corp, there are lots of great organisations out there who would really appreciate your support. 

Clothing With a Story

Keep the story going! It's cool to think that your boots, dress or jacket has already been to various gigs, parties, outtings and events. It feels good to know that you're making use of clothing that might otherwise go to landfill - what a waste!

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