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Second-Hand Shoppers Likely to Be More Stylish Says Study

Second-Hand Shoppers Likely to Be More Stylish Says Study

According to the latest research by the University of Tasmania, second hand shoppers are likely to be more style-conscious than those who buy new. 

Woohoo! This is great news for second hand shoppers. And it gives us another reason to shout from the rooftops about how great it is to shop second hand. 

Let's dig a little deeper into the research.

Second-Hand Shoppers Likely to Be More Stylish Says Study

This research was carried out in Australia, but we're going to go out on a limb and say that it is applicable here in the UK too. 

What the study found was interesting, because people who shop second hand are not just motivated by trying to save money or the planet. In fact, this is what the researchers discovered. Something called "style-consciousness was a bigger predictor of second-hand shopping than being frugal or ecologically-conscious".

In short, this means that second hand is a great way to really change up your style and find something that you are truly comfortable in. 

But the research outlined a key difference between being style-conscious versus following trends. There is a difference between 'fashion' which is about NEW clothes, the novelty of new collections and items, it constantly changes with the seasons and with other smaller trends. Style, however, is how you dress to express yourself longer-term. 

Maybe we could learn a thing or two from a second hand shopper who is confident in their own unique style! 

Walking into a second hand shop can be daunting after all. Your options are likely to be limited to what fits you. And then there's lot of retro and vintage items which are of a whole different era of 'fashion'. So naturally these clothes may not fit in with the trends of today. You might have to try something on that is a bit different to what you usually wear. But who cares if you love how the clothes look and they fit your style!?


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