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Fashion Transparency Index 2021: Why we still need to scrutinise fashion brands and retailers

Jul 13, 2021

Fashion Transparency Index 2021: Why we still need to scrutinise fashion brands and retailers

One of the key takeaways we took from the latest Fashion Transparency Index was that a lot of major brands still do not disclose as much information as they could. As shoppers we should have a right to know where our clothes come from, who makes them and know how environmentally friendly brands are.
Why is Amazon throwing away perfectly good stock and how can we cut down on landfill?

Jul 1, 2021

Why is Amazon throwing away perfectly good stock and how can we cut down on landfill?

During the climate emergency one of the highest grossing companies in the world is throwing even more of our planet’s precious resources into the bin. This is totally unsustainable and must be stopped.
Explaining Vintage: What Is It and What’s To Love About It?

Mar 27, 2021

Explaining Vintage: What Is It and What’s To Love About It?

Vintage is one of those words: we hear it and see it and yet when asked, would be hard pushed to define what it actua...
RE: Ten Great 'Re-' Ways To Reduce Waste

Mar 19, 2021

RE: Ten Great 'Re-' Ways To Reduce Waste

I hate waste. I'll start there. Scraping food that my kids have refused to eat into the bin after a meal crushes my ...
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