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LOOK GOOD, FEEL GOOD, DO GOOD Part 1: I am what I wear

LOOK GOOD, FEEL GOOD, DO GOOD Part 1: I am what I wear

An inspiring series on developing a style that expresses who you are, an enjoyable relationship with your clothes, and the rewarding satisfaction of making sustainable fashion choices. 

By Helen Redfern, founder and creative director of Green Heart Collective and manager of the Green Heart shop on Gateshead High Street. Helen combines her passion for clothes with a passion for the health of this wonderful world in which we live. Speaking from her personal experience of exploring her own style, Helen aims to inspire others to develop the confidence to express their identity and values through what they wear in a fun and affirming way.

Part 1: I am What I Wear

Hi there. 

I’m Helen Redfern. 

I refuse to be defined by my age, my body size, my roles, my politics, my interests, my nationality.

So here I am……

This is me.

(And you will have drawn some conclusions about who I am and whether you think you’re going to like me just from those three images - we’ll come back to that in a later post.)

I am not qualified in any way to speak about style and sustainability. I speak only from lived experience. I’m certainly not claiming to have all the answers, or to be a style icon.

Read More: 15 Lessons I Learnt From The Yellow Jacket Challenge

I love clothes. But I love this wonderful world in which we live more. And this world is being destroyed by over-consumption and the resulting waste. The future of humanity and all living beings is at risk, as the earth reacts to over-extraction and exploitation.

And so I tread that fine line between expressing myself through what I wear and expressing my values through what I wear. I am a work in progress.

If you’re anything like me, your relationship with your wardrobe and style will be contradictory and unpredictable, a roller coaster of emotions and thoughts.

On a good day…

… I have no desire to conform. I see myself as an individual. I’m unique and confident. I walk my own path and am not defined by any roles

… I indulge my craving for sensual and sensory pleasure through touch and texture without judgement 

… Comfort and practicality matter but are not the highest priority! I have a strong sense of dressing for the occasion and I’m not afraid to overdress - life is too short

… I’m self aware and body aware - and generally accepting of both. I love my curly hair.

… I’m happy to be seen as quirky but in a stylish rather than eccentric way

I am a creative and I see fashion as art/creative expression

… I’m pretty contented and grateful for all I have

… I am brave. I will not let fear hold me back

… I know what I don’t like

… I have energy and passion

On a bad day…

… I feel like an outsider and so I choose to dress conservatively to blend in

… I feel guilty for enjoying clothes

… I wonder ‘Who do you think you are to dress like that?’

… I feel old and ugly and fat. I hate my grey hair. I feel held back by my body and age

… I can’t shake off the uncomfortable memory of a friend calling me ‘an eccentric dresser.’

… Creativity feels self-indulgent and pointless

… I search for that elusive special item to buy that is going to magically make my life perfect

… I feel like an embarrassment to my family and friends

… I’m indecisive and cannot trust my own intuition

… I don’t have the energy to care about what I wear

Most days, I fall somewhere in between. Can you relate?

Over the years, I've learnt that…

clothes bring me joy - sometimes looking at them and feeling them, not even wearing them!

… wearing the ‘right’ clothes feels empowering and gives me confidence

… the clothes I choose to wear have the power to affect my mood and self-image

… if you play it safe with what you wear and don’t give it much thought, you’re missing out on the confidence and wellbeing that comes from a mindful wardrobe

How about you? Which (if any) of the above statements resonated with you? 

How would you describe your relationship with your clothes?

How do you express yourself through what you wear?


If you have no idea how to answer any of those questions, don't despair!

If you're in a rut or lacking confidence or not knowing where to start in developing a more positive relationship with your wardrobe, then join me on this journey over the next few weeks to explore your own personal sense of style. And no, it won't cost a fortune or take a lot of time. It's not too late. You're not too old or the wrong body shape. Everyone can do this. We all have to wear clothes - let's make it something we love doing!

“A well-thought out style starts with an understanding of yourself.” Cobbie Yates

So this is where we start.

Action Point:

Who are you? Write a list of five ‘I am….’ statements (positive statements of the ‘you’ on a good day where you feel truly yourself).

Next to each statement, jot down one or two items from your wardrobe (clothing and/or accessories) that fully reflect this version of you. 

Read Look Good, Feel Good, Do Good Part 2: Who Do I Dress For?
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